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Average Enjoyer

Average Enjoyer

34 subscribers
Average Enjoyer replied to a comment on a mod

Strašně moc aut na menší mapky by stačilo tak 10 aut jinak je to super zkusil jsem to a byly zácpané cesty 😀👍️

Na malé je toho opravdu moc. Evidentně s tím nemůžu nic dělat. Stačí vydat odlehčenou verzi modu nebo přijít s něčím jiným.

Average Enjoyer replied to a comment on a mod

Hello thank you for the nice mod :)
I want you to ask permission if I can make my own traffic pack with different cars and upload it here on kingmods?
Thank you :)

Hello! Yeah why not. Go for it

Average Enjoyer replied to a comment on a mod

la voiture grise est un mod ???

Ford GT 2017

Average Enjoyer replied to a comment on a mod

Can you please do the same with swiss license plates (font is "Numberplate LL Switzerland") ?

Actually yes i can. I can't say exactly when I'll do it tho

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Average Enjoyer