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95 subscribers
Cazz64 replied to a comment on a mod

i took a few cultivating contracts to start off the new save and im getting the seedbed shading instead of the cultivated state shading which is no big deal but its also not cultivating the whole field example is the contract on field 99 only let me get to 90% even though the whole field was cultivated and now in 32 its doing similiar things and the field texture seems to be different where as some of it is cultivated and then some if it is something else. just hoping that there is enough of field 32 to complete this contract. love the maps you and your group make so i dont want this to come across as me complaining by any means. just trying to inform

Hey bud, I have fixed that issue and will be updating it soon. Just waiting on any other issues to pop up before I upload update. Cheers. Cazz

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