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Canada FS

Canada FS

125 subscribers
Canada FS commented a mod

AND? Whose computers are these? Where are the credits? Starlex?

Canada FS replied to a comment on a mod

welcome,I would like to request permission for this John Deere because I put stickers etc. On it and edited it.

All scripts and xml blocks of IC were created by Vertex Dezign and not by you. If you seriously want to say that your unit was stolen, you need to see a doctor. You say that you are correct, you don’t steal anything from anywhere and you always indicate the authors, where in the credits is the author of Farming Dud’s? You used his prefab "Isobus Terminal CCI200", why didn't you indicate it in the credits? There are many tractors and none are listed. Double standards?

Canada FS replied to a comment on a mod

welcome,I would like to request permission for this John Deere because I put stickers etc. On it and edited it.

Starlexs, what exactly was stolen from you in this mod?

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Canada FS