Welcome to the map of PGR BRUZDA (Multifruit)
Map made from scratch. (not convert). Anyone who remembers this map from FS17 will appreciate its unique atmosphere.
Perfect for MP games.
On the map you will find, among others:
- the unique atmosphere of the Polish State Agricultural Farm
- 37 large and medium-sized fields, including meadows
- 57 areas
- forest areas
- nice terrain
- 42 crops: Wheat, Barley, Rapeseed, Oats, Corn, Sunflower, Soybean, Potato, Sugar Beet, Sugar Cane,
Cotton, Sorghum, Grapes, Olives, Poplar, Grass, Oil radish, Triticale, Rye, Spelled, Millet, Poppy, Mustard,
Rice, Linseed, Peas, Hops, Pinto Beans, Black Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils, Hemp, Tobacco, Carrots,
Parsnips, Beetroot, Onion, Garlic, Cranberries, Lavender, Alfalfa, Clover.
- Compatibility with Precision Farming
- 14 purchases
- 11 factories
- Biogas plant
- Sawmill
- Two trains
- Gas stations
- An interestingly developed production chain.
- Custom terrain textures
- Custom crop cardboards
- Custom tree textures
- Pedestrian traffic
- Car traffic with additional vehicles
- Cycling traffic
- Movement of AI workers (helpers) on the roads. (Due to quite narrow roads, works best with medium-sized vehicles)
- Mud system
- Puddles in the fields after the rain
- Real colors of machine dirt
- Storks
- A complete set of buildings on the main farm with the possibility of sale.
- Additional animals
- Custom pet foods added
- Easy level machine to start with.
- Additional machines adapted to harvest non-standard crops.
The map will force you to download 11 modifications from ModHub necessary for proper operation.
And many more interesting things.
Feel free to download it and have fun with the map. 💪
Report any problems with the map to DC
Please visit my YT channel:
- All detected errors and those reported by players have been corrected.
- Fixed the goat pen
- BGA improved
- productions were reprogrammed
- the animal feeding system was changed
- fixed tipCol mask on roads
- added white lupine cultivation
- added pulp with the option of pickling
- improved compatibility with MaizePlus and StrawHarvest
- previously unavailable terrain painting options have been made available to the player
- some other changes have been introduced
!!! ATTENTION !!! A new save game is required for proper operation.
(if anyone would like to keep their current save and continue the game, please contact me on discord and I will help you program the save so that you can continue the game) -
- added crops: Green Rye, Field Grass
- Buckwheat cultivation fixed
- incorrect translations corrected
- a few minor changes have been introduced
- slab roads improved
- the limit of animal pens has been increased
- the number of stones on the fields has been increased
- several collisions removed
- several static buildings have been improved
- added the ability to sell decorative straw stacks without having to sell all the deco items
- several programming entries have been corrected which, combined with some modifications, could cause incorrect operation
some map functions
- some other minor fixes have been made -
- Improved icons on information signs
- Fixed garlic growth
- Added terrain painting texture
- Rolling texture changed (more visible) -
- Improved optimization
- Improved compatibility with MaizePlus
- Polish GEO added
- Fixed clover growth phases
- Removed elements from the pigsty that could cause FPS drops
- Fixed field identifiers
- Some trees removed
- Improved snow mask
- Some other minor fixes have been made
1. Fixed and added translations (supported languages: English, German, Polish, Czech)
2. The amount of filling in barns has been changed
3. Made some other minor fixes.