
  • Bergschof
  • Bergschof
  • Bergschof
  • Bergschof
  • Bergschof
  • Bergschof
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Welcome to Bergschof. A map that is supposed to play in Bavaria.
The beautifully shaped countries and the beautiful nature with a large city.
Through 10 activities that can be activated, the life of the fire brigade can be easily reflected and displayed.

What do you expect on the map:

- 2 farms that vary between new and old
- a total of 3 sales stations
- At Hof 1 Neuer Hof there is a purchase station for lime
- Of course there are German license plates for the Constum Map
- There are several forests for the woodworms and tree psperies that vary between small to large
- You can also buy a sawmill, which then processes the trees
- 32 fields for managing arable fruits
- 1 fieh dealer and 1 vehicle dealer is installed
- At the beginning of the location there is a petrol station for refueling
- In the urban is an old farm that belongs to the NPC Grandpa / Grandpa
- Hof 1 is the newer larger farm on parcel 39; Cattle breeding is made possible here
- Hof 2 is a somewhat grubby run -down court on the plot 40; Here the cattle breeding of cows is also possible

Lsetm wishes you a lot of fun with this map.

  • - 3 new missions added
    - Agricultural dealer with opening times Mon - Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    - Complete new decoration in the city center
    - errors are fixed; Pictures / pictures now invite you from the sales points
    - Fixed floating trees
    - Sales and purchase points added
    - Wein vines removed
    - Parkedcars fixed
    - Added fleet for Hof 1

  • - full version
    - Fixed / adapted fields
    - Höfe sellable
    - Fixed errors
    - All missions got up and running
    - Building site expanded
    - Fire brigade pushed under map to place yourself
    - Added decoration
    - Grass at the dealer, from the 3 houses

  • Revised all missions.
    Felder functions
    Further errors
