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Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod


Yeah... talking about NPC when your nickname is "FordTractorLover22" yeah you should be the one talkinga bout NPC`s for sure, and when all you do is typing nonsence crap under poeples mods, when you have 0 clue how modding works or anything about modding in general

Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod


"Fordlover" for a reason i see...

Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod


Look buddy, instead of continue making clown of your self, now go download mod, and open "modDec" and comeback and look at "credits" and comeback :)

Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod


then shut ur mouth already, instead of typing something you dont know clearly

Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod


Do you even know whos the "original creator" ?

Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod


At least my nick is not ":FordTractorLover", not that down low

Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod


Big words for a person who probably never touched xml or i3d

Starlexs replied to a comment on a mod

Salut, petit détail sur les crédits, ce modele a été crée sur FS15 par Sotillo,VMV Modding,TomasT150, puis sur FS17 par Sotillo,mati7766,STv-Modding et sur FS19 et FS22 par Smety. Voila pour le petit cour sur l'histoire de cette 3D, il faut rendre à César ce qui est à César

Abit funny that you make account just to be yapping under my mod, whats wrong cant comment from normal one? And theres difference between edit with all credits and literaly reporting mod to get removed and copypasting it to upload it your self

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