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MecaMods 56

MecaMods 56

213 subscribers
MecaMods 56 commented a Work-In-Progress

for the new look i think if u put the exhaust pipe on the right side it could be good

MecaMods 56 commented a Work-In-Progress

good concept it's original i like it 😊

MecaMods 56 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

This is lining up to be one of the best tractor packs for any blue fan! Looks incredible I really hope you get around to adding the 165, as well as modeling a 175 and 190 to finish it off,, was so happy to see you added the 8X60, just on a personal preference would be great if the mountable weight pack by blauea would sit right on them,, keep up the incredible work though!

thank u and i will add the 165 but as for the 175-190 i don't really know

MecaMods 56 commented a mod

Mais c'est deja un 4x4 XD

MecaMods 56 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

add deferent stereos to the configs on the shop menu

already in, turbo and N/A

MecaMods 56 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

will there be a config for new holland 8360 🤔

yes from 8160 to 8560

MecaMods 56 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

j'espere que tu va l'envoyer au modhub sa changera un peu de ceux qu'on a l'habitude


MecaMods 56 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

question: tu compe mettre des chargeurs? si oui tu pourrais mettre unc console MX stp?

Oui j'y compte

MecaMods 56 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

C'est possible d'ajoutée les decal de concession du mod TM de Valou25

Malheureusement je ne met que ma concession locale...

MecaMods 56 replied to a comment on a Work-In-Progress

Incroyable ce Pack, je l'attend avec impatiente. Beau boulot !!!!

Merci beaucoup j'ai repris dessus il y a 1 semaine... ça progresse 😄

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MecaMods 56