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Królików (4x)

Starting to 3D model buildings, fences and more!

Soon I will finish making roads, but those take WAY less time than modeling. On Królików, I have to 3D model 200-400 buildings and a lot of fences, which will take way more time than roads and fields.

For now I will concentrate on modeling.

Attaching an image below of the first house compared to Street View.

Królików (4x)
  • Królików (4x)
Królików (4x)

Comments (3)

salut, tu met combient de temps a crée une maison comme celle ci ?


Bardzo dobrze się zapowiada, czekam na następne update🔥



Map is looking better! - Forests

I am a person who splits any work in pieces - like on Królików - roads, painting terrain, modelling and other things like forests, but this time I had to do something else than roads - forest.

Finally understood how to use foliage & tree script to make cool-looking forests. Dropping an image below of one of them. (grass on the road won't be done until finish)

(made a nice "Królików Project" logo)

Królików (4x)
  • Królików (4x)
Królików (4x)

Comments (3)

Mhmm lipiec,jakby Ci sie udalo idealny termin,rajot wyda w kwietniu podejrzewam Szpakowo wiec ludziom sie znudzi i odpalą Twoją :)


Dobra 😁 :)


Świetny projekt czekam bardzo na tą mapę 😀

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Królików (4x)