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Multifruit pack for each map

  • Multifruit pack for each map
35 661


Hello, this is my first multi-fruit pack, it contains: spelled, rye, lucerne, triticale, clover, mustard, silage sorghum, onions, carrots, field grass and I've added an animal foofd for the new fruits.

This tutorial is NOT the same for every card because it depends on the place where the i3d is in the example there were 2 steps so in the i3d once ../ if there were 3 steps to the i3d then ../../ would have to be ../../ at a step does not need ../ before but the folder foliage, effects and so must be like in the tutorial.

I hope that was somehow understandable.



  • Hello, the download link has been renewed

    the tutorial is included because there were problems.


  • ......

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Multifruit pack for each map
  • Multifruit pack for each map