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Un coin agricole de France

Noriap cooperative, beginning of the potatoes

Hello everyone, The menu is progressing very slowly, due to the work, the vegetable and potato farms, are 90% finished

2 Cooperative we saw the day (Noriap and Natup

Un coin agricole de France
Un coin agricole de France
Un coin agricole de France
  • Un coin agricole de France
  • Un coin agricole de France
  • Un coin agricole de France
Un coin agricole de France
Un coin agricole de France
Un coin agricole de France

Commenti (3)

La coopérative n'est pas libre de droit il me semble 🤔

Start of the map

Hello everyone, here I am with the creation of a new map, the little France I can not continue because of several LUA problem due to the sample mod

This map will have, market gardening, breeding, field crops

This is a Fictitious map that does not represent a particular corner of France

Un coin agricole de France
  • Un coin agricole de France
Un coin agricole de France

Commenti (1)

Essaye de changer de nom de map 😉

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Un coin agricole de France