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SMI Modding Team

SMI Modding Team

343 abonnés
SMI Modding Team replied to a comment on a mod

Hallo die Drille ist echt super aber könnte man die auch auf 15 kmh bauen danke

working speed is standard, you can modify it by yourself if you want

SMI Modding Team replied to a comment on a mod

how to remove sojaflex ?? i can't..

THIS IS THE SOJAFLEX VERSION. Nothing to discuss about it.
CRX version is different, we don't make things different from real.

SMI Modding Team replied to a comment on a mod

how to remove sojaflex ?? i can't..

why you've to remove? There is nothing to remove.

SMI Modding Team has a mod placed in a Weekly King's Choice
SMI Modding Team replied to a comment on a mod

Dommage qu'il n'existe pas en 6 metres !

not exist 6mt version

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SMI Modding Team