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165 подписчиков
Tha1R3my rated a mod
Tha1R3my commented a mod

You have to download this mods so netholder works
- Net Wrap Addon (By: DD ModPassion) ->
- Finnish Big Bags And Pallets (By: Farmari99) ->


Tha1R3my rated a mod
Tha1R3my replied to a comment on a mod

you need to give your tractor right catogory in 390t xml it stand

need to add a big S for small tractors
like t his

like it are now the tractor not show ingame :)

Tha1R3my commented a mod

you need to give your tractor right catogory in 390t xml it stand

need to add a big S for small tractors
like t his

Tha1R3my updated a mod
Tha1R3my replied to a comment on a mod


forest dlc map

Tha1R3my replied to a comment on a mod

not relictic

Tha1R3my replied to a comment on a mod

not relictic

what is not realistic about this?
800c exists in reality

Tha1R3my replied to a comment on a mod

Warning (H:/ModyFS22/FS22_Rottne_H21D_MoN_Tier1/h21D.xml): Invalid jointType 'synchroWinch' for attacherJoint 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint(1)'!

Warning (H:/ModyFS22/FS22_Rottne_H21D_MoN_Tier1/Rottne_Alpine_Winch/Synchrowinch.xml): Invalid jointType 'synchroWinch' for inputAttacherJoint 'vehicle.attachable.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(0)'!
2023-11-19 12:11 Warning (H:/ModyFS22/FS22_Rottne_H21D_MoN_Tier1/Rottne_Alpine_Winch/Synchrowinch.xml): Missing '.distanceToGround#lower' for inputAttacherJoint 'vehicle.attachable.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(0)'!
2023-11-19 12:11 Warning (H:/ModyFS22/FS22_Rottne_H21D_MoN_Tier1/Rottne_Alpine_Winch/Synchrowinch.xml): Missing '.distanceToGround#upper' for inputAttacherJoint 'vehicle.attachable.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(0)'!
2023-11-19 12:11 Warning (H:/ModyFS22/FS22_Rottne_H21D_MoN_Tier1/Rottne_Alpine_Winch/Synchrowinch.xml): Invalid jointType 'synchroWinch2' for inputAttacherJoint 'vehicle.attachable.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(1)'!
2023-11-19 12:11 Warning (H:/ModyFS22/FS22_Rottne_H21D_MoN_Tier1/Rottne_Alpine_Winch/Synchrowinch.xml): Missing '.distanceToGround#lower' for inputAttacherJoint 'vehicle.attachable.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(1)'!
2023-11-19 12:11 Warning (H:/ModyFS22/FS22_Rottne_H21D_MoN_Tier1/Rottne_Alpine_Winch/Synchrowinch.xml): Missing '.distanceToGround#upper' for inputAttacherJoint 'vehicle.attachable.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(1)'!

read the info then you see im aware of it :) as i said its not a game issue it just error coz of name of the winch

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