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Call Contractors

  • Call Contractors
  • Call Contractors
33 672


This mod allows you to outsource jobs for which you don't have the time or equipment to contractors.
The cost of the work will vary mainly according to the time it takes, if you have few money to spend you can be satisfied with contracts done in more time, while if you urgently need the work to be completed you will have to spend a little more.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to open the contractors management panel.

Types of jobs currently available:
- Plowing
- Cultivating
- Sowing
- Subsoiling
- Lime spreading
- Selling goods




  • Royal Modding

Рекомендуемые моды

Тексты на этой странице могли быть переведены автоматически и могут быть неточными.

Комментарии (17)

Поделиться этим модом
Call Contractors
  • Call Contractors
  • Call Contractors